The Gill Center for Plastic Surgery & Dermatology
121 Vision Park Boulevard, Suite 100
Shenandoah, TX 77384
Phone: (281) 853-5308
Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
What Is An Inverted “T” Tummy Tuck?
The traditional tummy tuck procedure includes only a horizontal incision running from hip to hip beneath the underwear line. However, for some patients, an inverted “T” tummy tuck may be performed, in which a small vertical incision is made between the navel and the horizontal incision.
Also referred to as an “anchor pattern” tummy tuck, this procedure offers several benefits to the patient in exchange for the addition of a small vertical scar. The use of this technique may help provide the best overall results for many patients, including many of my tummy tuck patients from The Woodlands, TX.
Anchor Pattern Tummy Tuck Offers Procedure Customization
According to board-certified surgeons on the popular and trusted website, there are several benefits to using this “T” incision method. One of the main benefits is the ability to draw the sides of the waist in toward the middle of the stomach, slimming and tightening the overall appearance. This provides an additional dimension of skin tightening in the horizontal direction, which can help to give a better profile. The traditional tummy tuck surgery only tightens in a vertical direction, giving only slight horizontal tightening.
When Is the Anchor-Pattern Tummy Tuck Recommended?
This procedure may be recommended in some cases when there is a particularly large amount of excess skin below the navel but not enough excess skin above the navel to allow for a traditional tummy tuck incision and procedure. Several doctors feel that a small vertical incision is offset by allowing the long horizontal incision to be made lower on the body, ensuring that it will be hidden underneath underwear and swimwear.
Who Is a Good Candidate for an Inverted “T” Tummy Tuck Incision?
The inverted “T” tummy tuck is often performed on patients who have lost more than 100 pounds of weight. These patients may also require additional procedures, such as a thigh lift, buttocks lift, arm lift, or breast lift in order to achieve a uniform appearance. These procedures may be performed together (perhaps as part of a larger mommy makeover) or during separate surgical sessions.
In addition to the type of incision, tummy tucks can vary depending on the extent of correction required. Read more about traditional, mini, and extended tummy tucks in our related blog post.
Browse through my patients’ tummy tuck before-and-after photos to get an idea of the type of results we can achieve. If you’re ready to discuss your own body contouring options with a board-certified plastic surgeon in The Woodlands, TX, request a consultation using our online form. You can also call us at (281) 853-5308 to schedule an appointment.
Tagged with: anchor-pattern tummy tuck • Dr. Paul S. Gill • inverted-t tummy tuck • The Gill Center • Tummy Tuck
* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.
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