The Gill Center for Plastic Surgery & Dermatology
121 Vision Park Boulevard, Suite 100
Shenandoah, TX 77384
Phone: (281) 853-5308
Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Tummy Tuck Scars: A Comprehensive Guide

When considering a tummy tuck, knowing what to expect is especially important, particularly if you’re wondering about the visibility of your scar. This post is all about what to expect from your tummy tuck scar, including incision placement, scar healing stages, and how to reduce the appearance of scars.
Different Tummy Tucks = Different Scars
An experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in body contouring procedures takes pride in making tummy tuck incisions where bikini bottoms can conceal them. That’s true regardless of the tummy tuck technique used. During a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, the surgeon removes excess skin and fat to improve abdominal contours and tighten the underlying muscles. The surgical approach, including the type and length of incisions, is based on your unique needs and goals. See illustrations of different tummy tuck incision patterns on The Aesthetic Society’s website.
In general, there are 3 types of tummy tucks, and the length of the scar varies for each one:
Traditional tummy tuck: A traditional, or full, tummy tuck involves making a horizontal incision stretching from hip to hip just above the pubic area. Another incision is made around the belly button to release the overlying skin. After tightening the abdominal muscles, removing excess skin, and creating a new opening for the belly button, I close the incisions and insert surgical drains. I typically combine liposuction with a full tummy tuck.
Mini tummy tuck: A mini tummy tuck is possible if your aesthetic concerns are limited to the area below the belly button. This approach uses a shorter incision and doesn’t require an incision around the navel. The resulting scar is less visible than that of a full tummy tuck, but a mini tummy tuck is not the best solution for most patients.
Extended tummy tuck: I perform extended tummy tucks more often than traditional tummy tucks because most abdominoplasty patients need contouring on the flanks and lower back in addition to the abdominal area. As the name implies, this technique involves making an incision that extends around the flanks.
You can read more about what tummy tuck technique is best for you in a previous blog post.
Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos
Do Tummy Tuck Scars Go Away?
Scars result whenever the skin is cut or wounded, and although they may fade to almost invisible, they last forever. Even though a tummy tuck scar is longer than most following cosmetic surgery, informed patients believe scars are worth the dramatic improvement in the contours of their bodies and the confidence they gain. I take care to make incisions as low and as straight as possible to minimize their visibility, even when wearing a revealing swimsuit or underwear.
Tummy Tuck Scar Healing Stages
Immediately after surgery, your incisions may appear red and raised. After a few months, tummy tuck scars typically flatten and fade to a softer pink. While scars are permanent, most patients can expect their tummy tuck scars to heal and fade significantly within 6 to 12 months.
There are 3 general stages of scar healing:
The first stage of scar healing occurs when the skin is broken, or an incision is made. The body releases collagen fibers to close the wound and fill the gaps. Minimizing tension on the incision is key at this stage, and a compression garment helps with this. This stage takes about 3 to 4 weeks and is when the incision is most vulnerable to infection, so proper wound care is essential to limit the scar’s visibility in the future.
As collagen builds up at the wound site, blood supply increases to protect and strengthen the wound further. The scar darkens and becomes thicker during this stage, which takes about 3 to 6 months.
When enough collagen forms, it starts to break down, and the blood supply decreases. A healthy, mature scar becomes lighter, thinner, and flatter. It can take a year or two for scars to mature fully.
As you can see, scars tend to look worse before they start fading. Don’t be discouraged if you’re a couple of months after your tummy tuck surgery and the scar is more visible than you expected.
How To Reduce Your Tummy Tuck Scar’s Appearance
Closely following our post-op instructions is the first step in reducing your scar’s appearance. Proper incision care includes keeping the area as clean as possible and dressing the wound correctly to help accelerate the healing process, reduce the chances of infection, and prevent overly noticeable scarring.
Other ways to minimize scarring include:
Once there aren’t any more scabs on the incision site, you can begin using topical treatments. Ideally, treat the area with ointments containing silicone, vitamin E, or both, as they can hydrate the scar tissue. We offer BioCorneum® silicone scar treatment with SPF 30 UV protection, which acts as a barrier for your skin and softens and lightens your scar tissue. Other benefits of this scar treatment are:
- It is a waterproof silicone product for scars
- Breathable and flexible while on the skin
- Fast drying
Silicone patches are simple to use and significantly reduce the appearance of dark and raised scars. Ensure the patches are water-resistant so you can shower and exercise without worry.
Laser Therapy
Our board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Anita A. Gill, uses laser skin resurfacing to diminish the appearance of scars. Laser therapy stimulates collagen production at the incision scar’s site, allowing it to blend in with the surrounding skin tissue.
Getting Started
The most important decision for patients considering a tummy tuck is choosing a skilled and qualified surgeon. Dr. Gill is a body contouring specialist who has performed numerous tummy tucks throughout his career. You can request a consultation using the online form or call us at (281) 853-5308 to schedule an appointment.
Tagged with: scar management • scar therapy • tummy tuck results • tummy tuck scars
* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.
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